Chapter 7: The Unexpected Turn

Reflection and Resilience

In its splendidly unpredictable way, life often throws us curveballs just when we feel we're hitting our stride. As I gazed at the new 2023 calendar, my spirits were soaring with optimism and determination. Equipped with a recently acquired MBA from Northeastern University, a treasury of hard-earned wisdom from managing a full-time job, and an array of diverse dining facility development projects during a global pandemic under my belt, I felt invincible. Ready to battle whatever life had in store for me, like a gladiator primed for the arena.

But as January began to unfurl, life served an unexpected blow. My meticulously constructed professional journey, built brick by brick over years of dedication and perseverance, was abruptly halted. I was laid off and expelled from the corporate world, a universe I had slowly but surely made my own. The initial shock was akin to a biting, icy wind, leaving me numb and disoriented. I felt like a ship adrift, unmoored in a turbulent sea.

The initial wave of despair gradually gave way to introspection. A comforting solitude replaced the cacophony of disbelief. It was during this quiet period of reflection that I revisited the winding pathways of my past, retracing the intricate contours of my professional journey and rediscovering the kaleidoscope of roles I had embodied.

Strengths Psychology

Every experience life presents, whether filled with joy or teeming with challenges, carries within it invaluable lessons. One of the most profound lessons I've gleaned is the paramount importance of self-awareness - a keen understanding of one's strengths and weaknesses. To delve deeper into this, I turned to Don Clifton, the father of Strengths Psychology. His assessments provided a comprehensive, detailed, and unbiased analysis of my personality traits, clearly identifying my standout roles as a Teacher and a Connector. They dissected my strengths into four primary domains: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking.

Being a Teacher, I realized my intrinsic ability to unearth and nurture individual potential. This harmonized with my 'Learner' and 'Developer' strengths, echoing my drive for constant learning and self-improvement. It affirmed my mentoring and leadership abilities, capable of tracking performance and fostering growth.

My role as a Connector offered a unique lens to view the world, seeing it as a complex network of relationships. I understood that I had a natural talent for nurturing close relationships, appreciating unique individual traits, and bridging connections between people, ideas, and resources.

The assessment illuminated my 'Strategic Thinking abilities, encapsulated in the 'Analytical', 'Strategic', 'Ideation', 'Intellectual', and 'Futuristic' themes. It painted a picture of a logical, objective, and forward-thinking individual with an insatiable passion for learning and problem-solving.

As an 'Executing' individual - 'Deliberative', 'Focused', 'Responsible', with a strong 'Belief' in 'Restorative' action and 'Discipline' - I could effectively transform abstract concepts into tangible reality. These traits characterized my cautious decision-making process, laser-focused work ethic, and efficient resource arrangement for maximum productivity.

The 'Influencing' domain, shedding light on 'Command', 'Significance', 'Self-Assurance', 'Maximizer', 'Activator', and 'Competition', portrayed a robust, confident persona that thrives on making a significant impact. I realized my propensity to maximize potential, be action-oriented, enjoy competition, and influence others.

Lastly, the 'Relationship Building' domain, which included 'Adaptability', 'Relator', 'Individualization', 'Connectedness', 'Developer', 'Includer', 'Harmony', and 'Empathy', emphasized my ability to adapt, cherish close relationships, and appreciate the uniqueness of each person. It underscored my knack for recognizing the interconnectedness of things, diversity, and inclusion.

Although these strengths were affirming, they also exposed potential areas for growth. The influx of information and ideas I cherished could lead to prioritization challenges. My intense focus on relationships sometimes complicated tough decision-making. My 'Achiever' theme carried the risk of burnout, stressing the need to balance work with rest and self-care. My 'Competition' theme highlighted the need for diplomatic management to prevent straining relationships.

However, recognizing these strengths and areas for improvement has been an enlightening and empowering journey. It underscores the transformative power of adversity. The unexpected layoff isn't a setback but a springboard propelling me toward a new venture.

Inspired by this journey and a burning passion for sharing knowledge, I created 'Global Roots and Rambles,' a writing platform to share my stories and insights. It's a testament to my resilience and passion, affirming my belief in the transformative power of stories. Looking back, I now see the wisdom of the unexpected twist in my professional journey, which has pushed me to reassess and redefine my path.

The unexpected turn isn't an end but a fresh beginning. A journey laden with promise, potential, and excitement. A journey that's more engaging and enriching, filled with the thrill of the unknown. As I embark on this new journey, I feel armed with resilience, passion, and a steadfast commitment to learning and growth, fortified by my WELL Accredited Professional certification earned in February 2023.

Layoffs and Economic Growth

 Many others might share this twist, given that in 2022, over 150,000 employees at tech startups worldwide faced layoffs due to various challenges, including high inflation, rising interest rates, and slowing economic growth. And yet, this temporary setback is a partial stop. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects a portion of the global economy to contract in the short term. Still, by 2032, U.S. tech employment is expected to expand from 5.4 million people to over six million.

So, if you, like me, have faced or are currently facing the problematic situation of a layoff and struggling with the unforeseen, remember this: what may seem like dark times may be the harbinger of a new light of prosperity. I'd love to spark a conversation on leveraging these challenging times as a catalyst for reinvention and growth.

Ultimately, every journey is a story, and every story has its own unique journey. And in this story of resilience and transformation, every unexpected turn, every challenging curve, and every fresh beginning is a testament to our indomitable spirit and our unyielding will to grow, learn, and evolve.

This is a reminder that each one of us is the author of our own story. Let us seize the pen and script our narratives with resilience, optimism, and hope, no matter the twists and turns life presents. For it's not the destination but the journey that shapes us, that teaches us, that empowers us.

So, here's to us, our stories, and our journeys. Here's to the twists and turns that take us to surprising places, the unexpected turns that bring out our resilience, and the uncharted paths that open up new horizons. Here's to the excitement, the thrill, the joy of the journey. After all, the best might indeed be around the next bend.


An Unforgettable Sojourn: Rome, Tuscany, and Florence – A Culinary and Cultural Adventure in Italy


Chapter 6: The Learner